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Report: Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary and Seventh Annual Battle of Lepanto Dinner
A traditional Latin Solemn High Mass for the Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary was celebrated on Tuesday, 7 October 2014 at Saint Titus Church, Aliquippa PA – sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Woodlawn Council 2161 Traditional Latin Mass Guild. The celebrant was newly-ordained Canon Andrew Todd, Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest. This was [...]
[Updated] Br. Nathan Cochran, O.S.B. – Requiem aeternam
Brother Nathan M. Cochran, O.S.B., a monk of Saint Vincent Archabbey, died Wednesday, July 30, 2014. Brother Nathan entered the novitiate at Saint Vincent Archabbey in 1982, made his simple profession of monastic vows July 10, 1983, and solemn profession of vows on July 11, 1986. Brother Nathan was a tireless worker who sought to revive the [...]