Venite Adoremus!
Bethlehem has opened Eden: come and see.
We have found joy in secret: come and let us take possession of the paradise that is within the cave.
There the unwatered Root has appeared from which forgiveness flowers forth;
there is found the undug well whence David longed to drink of old.
There the Virgin has borne a Babe and made the thirst of Adam and David to cease straightway.
Therefore let us hasten to this place where now is born a young Child, the eternal God.
Christ is born! Glorify Him!
Understand all you nations; and submit, for God is with us!
Give ear, all you distant parts of the earth, for God is with us!
You may arm yourselves, but you shall be crushed, for God is with us!
We do not fear what you fear, we do not stand in dread, for God is with us!
But the LORD of Hosts, honor Him as the Holy; for Him be your fear, for God is with us!
Trust in Him and He will be to you as a sanctuary, for God is with us!
Men who walked in darkness have seen a great light, for God is with us!
You dwellers in a land dark as death, a light shine upon you, for God is with us!
For a Child is born to us a Son is given us…
and His Peace shall never end, for God is with us!
Donation to the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
PLMC Board Member Emeritus Eric Frankovitch presenting Fr. Pendergraft, FSSP, with a donation for the FSSP seminary. The presentation was made at the Catholic Identity Conference 2018 in Weirton, WV, the weekend of 27-29 Oct 2018.