To the members of the PLMC – From His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI…
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From the Apostolic Nuncio – Christmas greetings and thank-you
To the President of the PLMC – From the Apostolic Nuncio …
From the mail – More Christmas greetings and thank-you’s
Dear PLMC, As Jesus touches our human nature and heart in His birth, may he put on our faces grace-filled smiles of peace on Earth and hearts filled with love to share and good will to all people throughout 2013. In Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior, Fr. L. Dear PLMC, May the gift of [...]
From the mail – Christmas greetings and thank-you’s
Dear Joseph and all the PLMC fellows, Thank you for all you have done for the Traditional Mass – now and in the future. You and your efforts are not forgotten. God bless, Randy E. Dear PLMC, Wishing you the best of everything in 2013! Love, Tom and Maryann Dear PLMC, The members of the American [...]