Bethlehem has opened Eden: come and see. We have found joy in secret: come and let us take possession of the paradise that is within the cave. There the unwatered Root has appeared from which forgiveness flowers forth; there is found the undug well whence David longed to drink of old. There the Virgin has borne a Babe and made the thirst of Adam and David to cease straightway. Therefore let us hasten to this place where now is born a young Child, the eternal God.
PLMC member Robert John Medvitz II presenting Fr. Pendergraft, FSSP, with a donation for the FSSP seminary. The presentation was made at the Catholic Identity Conference 3 Nov. 2019.
PLMC member Robert John Medvitz II presenting Fr. Pendergraft, FSSP, with a memorial photograph of the 2018 Christmas Tree lighting at Pittsburgh’s Point State Park. The presentation was made at the Catholic Identity Conference 3 Nov. 2019.